Patient Services

Inpatient Services

We have 75 IP beds, with ICU services available through MICU (Medical), SICU (Surgical), ICCU, Post OP & Cardiac Dept. The wards are categories with inpatient beds ranging from General, Sharing, Single, Deluxe & Suit.

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Outpatient Services

05 well equipped and 1 emergency Dept and 2 Health check up room, centrally air-conditioned consulting rooms.
Priority Clinics for Fast Track Consultation Individual patient waiting areas to maximize patient & visitor's comfort as well as privacy.
Computerized OPDS for patient's details recording and archiving systems. Morning and Evening OPDs to suit patient convenience.

Canteen service

Shukan Hospital also has a well -equipped catering facility for patients, their families, doctors & employees, and also for personal walks. The primary feature of the canteen is to provide anyone who comes in with quality and hygienically protected food.
Cost effective & flexible enough to provide a good choice of nutritious breakfast, meals that can accommodate patients’ specific dietary requirements & preferences.
It is located in the basement of the hospital. Shukan Hospital provided breakfast and meal for patient. It constitutes the following divisions.

The services / facilities include:

  • Kitchen
  • Tea - Coffee Cafeteria
  • Pantry

Office Office

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